20 Moving Tips to Make Your Life Easier

Moving is tough, there’s no doubt about it. 

But, you can make your move a whole lot easier with these tips:

1. Get rid of everything
Okay, not everything. But use this as a time to clear the clutter. If you haven’t used something in the last year, odds are you won’t be using it any time soon. Make some extra money by selling unwanted stuff, or donate to charity.

2. Arrange collection from a charity
Arrange for a charity organisation to come pick up the items you don't want at least a week or two before moving. Remember, a charity isn’t a dumping ground, though. If anything is broken or unusable, chuck it!

3. Pack an overnight bag
What are the things you’d need first once you’ve moved in? Toothbrush, prescription medication, reading glasses, pyjamas, underwear? Whatever you need for your first night, pack them into a bag for easy access.

4. Wrap it up
We’re all about being green and using the least plastic possible for a move. Wrap your breakables (dishes, glasses, etc.) in clothing to save on bubble wrap. For extra padding, pack your glasses and stemware in clean socks.

5. Label smartly
In addition to labelling what's in your boxes, add what room they'll be going into, as well. That way, you can put all your boxes in the correct room. This makes unpacking a lot less daunting.

6. Avoid leakages
Cover the openings of your toiletries with cling wrap, then put the tops back on. This will help avoid nasty spills all over your packed items. The last thing you want to be doing when you move is cleaning up shampoo from your towels. 

7. Create a to-do list
Creating a moving to-do list will help you remember what needs to be done. Ever had the feeling you’ve forgotten something, but you don’t know what? That’s where your to-do list comes in – checking off each item will help you feel at ease on your moving day.

8. Get moving boxes for free
There’s no need to spend hundreds of rands on moving boxes that get used once. Pop into your local shop (Pick n Pay, Checkers, Spar, etc.) and ask them for some boxes. These are not only free, but you can send them to be recycled afterwards. Be sure to get them at least 2 weeks in advance, because if it rains, those boxes will be wet and unusable.

9. Grab extra packing and moving supplies
Remember to get lots of packing tape (not duct tape) for your boxes – you don’t want to run out of that. Keep some tools handy, too. You never know when you’ll need to unscrew something.

10. Pack decorative items a few weeks out
Unlike your toothbrush, your decor doesn’t need to stay unpacked until the last moment. Start by packing your decor away a few weeks in advance. This way, you’ll get a head start on your packing.

11. Use small boxes for heavy items
As a rule of thumb, the heavier the items, the smaller the box. Save your big boxes for your lighter items, like linen. When it comes to carrying heavy boxes, the smaller they are, the easier to carry. Also, the box is less likely to break. 

12. Pack plates vertically, like records 
Packing your plates vertically (like in a dishwasher) means they'll be less likely to break. You can add extra cushioning by adding a layer of cloth between each plate, or perhaps a shirt. 

13. Take pictures of your electronics
Ever unplugged something and then couldn’t remember where all the wires go? Take a picture of the back of your electronics to make it easy to figure out when you plug them in again.

14. Set aside cleaning supplies for moving day
No one wants to move into a dirty house. Odds are, if the house has been vacant for a while, some dust has gathered. It also gives you a chance to clean as you move – like behind the fridge when it’s moved. 

15. Defrost your fridge at least one day before you move
This is something most people forget to do and they find themselves trying to defrost the fridge on the morning of the move. Once you’ve arrived at your new house, don’t plug your fridge in straight away. If it’s been on its side for 8 hours, then you’ll need to keep it upright for 8 hours before plugging it in. If you don’t, you risk straining the compressor.

16. Make the beds first
Moving is exhausting! Make sure the first thing you do is make your bed, so that later on you can go straight to sleep without worrying about your linen.

17. Cut down on boxes 
There’s no need to have a box for every single thing. Make use of all of your baskets, laundry bins, hampers, and suitcases.

18. The fastest way to pack a closet
Take a rubbish bag and put it over your clothes, leaving the hangers on. This way, you can take the bag off and hang your clothes up straight away.

19. Take photos
If you're renting, take photos of your cleaned-out old home and your new home before moving in. This way, if there are any scuffs or anything is broken, you’ll be able to prove that it was there before you moved in. 

20. Hire a sitter for the children and pets
For same-city moves, hire a babysitter and pet sitter for the day. You’ll just want to get down to business, and having kids crying and running around makes for a long day. Your pets will often be traumatised by the activities, so it’s best to get someone to look after them.

Have any more handy tips? 

Before your move, make buying, selling or renting that much easier with Century 21.

26 Apr 2018
Author Century 21 South Africa
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